GuidesComparisonsAIO Vs Air Cooler: Which One Is Better?

AIO Vs Air Cooler: Which One Is Better?

In our AIO vs Air Coolers guide, we are going to compare both coolers to help you choose the right cooling system for your build.

Both AIO and Air Coolers help with keeping your CPU cool, but which one does the job better? In this guide, we are going to do an AIO vs Air Cooler battle and discuss the differences between them.

For your computer to function efficiently and safely, selecting the right CPU Cooler is essential. It’s crucial to choose a CPU Cooler that meets your demands because they vary in price, size, and durability. The best CPU Coolers can keep your computer’s processor running at a safe temperature even when it’s under load. Which will help prevent issues like system crashing or data loss.

Key Takeaways

  • Both AIO and Air Coolers do a great job of keeping your CPU cool. 
  • AIO Coolers are big in size and have more components. Air Coolers are small in size and come as a single unit. 
  • AIO Coolers are more expensive than Air Coolers.

What Are AIO Coolers And How Do They Work?

AIO CPU Coolers, also known as All-in-One Coolers, are the cooling system that helps regulate the temperature of your computer’s processor. By circulating liquid coolant through a series of radiators and fans, these devices can lower the overall temperature of your system.

If you want to keep your processor running cool and avoid overheating, then an AIO CPU Cooler is a great option. These devices are easy to install, highly effective at cooling, and don’t take up a lot of space inside your case as they are placed at the top or side of your PC case.

AIO Cooler
AIO Cooler – Image Credits [Tech4Gamers]
The working mechanism of an AIO Cooler is simple. Water is pumped into the water block, where it comes in contact with the CPU. The water absorbs heat from the CPU and then flows through the radiator, where the fans help to dissipate the heat. The cooled water then flows back into the water block, and the cycle starts again.

AIO coolers are available in different sizes and with different numbers of fans. The most common sizes are 120mm, 240mm, 280mm, and 360mm

What Are Air Coolers And How Do They Work?

A CPU Air Cooler is a cooling system that uses air to keep your computer’s processor cool. These types of coolers are usually less expensive than water-cooling systems, and they don’t require as much maintenance. Air is blown over the processor, which helps to disperse heat.

CPU Air Coolers come in a few different varieties. The Tower Cooler is the most popular type. Tower Coolers are typically the best option for cooling your CPU, as they offer more surface area for heat to dissipate. The second type of CPU air cooler is the Low-Profile Cooler. Low-Profile coolers are a good option if you’re looking to save space inside your PC case.

Air Cooler
Dark Rock Pro 4 CPU Air Cooler – Image Credits [Tech4Gamers]
Air Coolers draw heat away from the CPU and into the Cooler itself. Fans then dissipate the heat. The most important part of an Air Cooler is the heatsink. The heatsink is usually made of aluminum or copper and has a large surface area. This helps to dissipate the heat more effectively. Air coolers are also a great option for cooling your CPU because they are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. Plus, they don’t require any extra maintenance as Water Coolers do.

Main Differences Between AIO vs Air Coolers

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to know which one is right for you. Here are the main differences between AIO and air coolers.

Cooling Performance

Considering the cooling performance of AIO vs Air Cooler, it’s important to understand the difference between the two. AIO Coolers are made to be more efficient and effective than Air Coolers, and as a result, they often offer better cooling performance. However, some trade-offs come with using an AIO Cooler, which we’ll discuss later.

But the AIO Coolers definitely will have more cooling performance as compared to the Air Coolers. Firstly, because they use water as a coolant and we all know that water has a lot more capacity to absorb heat as compared to air. Secondly, the AIO Liquid Coolers are bigger in size than the Air Coolers. Plus, they have more fans than Air Coolers with only one or two fans mounted on them.

Finally, we can say that AIO Coolers are more efficient at cooling because they are able to circulate the water more effectively. Air Coolers rely on the airflow in the room to cool down, which can be less effective.

Price Differences

All-in-one (AIO) Coolers and Air Coolers both have their pros and cons, but what ultimately comes down to is price. AIO Coolers are typically more expensive than Air Coolers.

As the AIO Coolers are more effective, so it justifies their price. But in the end, buying an AIO Cooler or Air Cooler depends upon the user’s need. Moreover, the AIO Coolers come with a pump, radiator, and water block all in one unit. Air Coolers, on the other hand, only come with a fan and heatsink.

For the person who doesn’t play high-end games or is an entry-level gamer, the Air Cooler is the best choice as it does its job efficiently. But, when it comes to high-end gaming or using high-end programs for tasks like video editing, using the AIO Cooler is the better option.

Also Read: Best CPU Coolers For Ryzen 5 7600x

Hence, it is important to research which cooler is best according to your usage and which will give you the performance you need. 


Two of the most widely used cooling options on the market are AIO vs Air Cooler. But which one is more durable?

Air Coolers are typically more durable than AIO Coolers. This is because they have fewer moving parts. This means that there are fewer chances for something to go wrong. The maximum damage or fault that can occur in an Air Cooler is in its fan, which can be changed or fixed easily.

DeepCool Air Cooler – Image Credits [Tech4Gamers]
But as far as the AIO Coolers are concerned, they are not as durable as the Air Coolers. Because they have more mechanical parts than Air Coolers. The first thing to consider is that the AIO Coolers may have two or more fans. So, any of these fans can get faulty. Secondly, there is also a pump in the AIO Cooler that pumps the water from the CPU to the radiator; the pump can also get faulty or can stop working. But overall, AIO Coolers have a pretty great lifespan.

Leakage In AIO Coolers

The problem that might occur in AIOs is the leakage of fluid, which can be caused by many reasons. A bad seal is one factor in leakage. The AIO Cooler’s seals might not have been put correctly to begin with, or they might have worn out with time. Liquid can leak if the seal has a gap in it.

Another cause of leakage is damage to the radiator. If the radiator is damaged, it may not be able to hold all of the liquid inside. Leakage can also occur if there is too much pressure inside the AIO Cooler. This can happen if the fan speed is set too high or if there is something blocking airflow through the radiator.

So, as far as the durability factor is concerned, it is obvious that the Air Coolers are more durable than the AIO Coolers. Therefore, an Air Cooler is your best option if you’re seeking a cooler that will last longer.

Surface Area

The surface area of a cooling device plays an important role in how well it can cool. All else being equal, a cooling device with a larger surface area will be able to cool better than one with a smaller surface area. This is because the larger surface area allows for more heat to be dissipated.

AIO Coolers have more surface area plus are more close to the outer atmosphere, as compared to the Air Cooler that is mounted on the Motherboard. So, the AIO having more surface area, will dissipate the heat much more efficiently as compared to the Air Cooler.

Moreover, the other factor that affects the surface area of a cooling device is the size or number of fans. More fans will have a larger surface area and thus will be able to cool better than a single fan.

Another factor that affects the surface area is the number of fins on the cooler. The more fins there are, the greater the surface area, and thus the better the cooling.

Finally, as AIO has more surface area, so the cooling will be better when using the AIO Cooler.


AIO Coolers are more efficient than Air Coolers because they can dissipate heat more effectively. This is because the water in the AIO Cooler is able to absorb and dissipate heat better than air.

Additionally, the fans in AIO Coolers are typically more powerful, or we can say that they are more in number and can move more air, which helps to cool the components more effectively.

Air Coolers are less efficient than AIO Coolers because they rely on airflow to cool the components. This means that they rely on the case fans to provide good airflow.

The AIO Cooler is again the winner as far as efficiency is concerned.


Generally, air PC Coolers are easier to install than AIO Coolers. This is because air PC Coolers only require you to mount the cooler itself onto the CPU. AIO Coolers, on the other hand, require you to mount both the cooler and a radiator.

AIO Cooler
AIO Cooler Installed Inside Case – Image Credits [Tech4Gamers]
However, there are some exceptions. Some AIO Coolers come with pre-installed radiators, which makes them just as easy to install as Air PC Coolers. Additionally, some AIO Coolers come with mounting brackets that make installation even easier.

So, we can say that installation is not an issue in both cases. With the guides given with the Coolers, someone could easily install any of the two CPU Coolers. You can check out our guide on how to install a liquid cooler. 

Noise Levels

The noise is not an issue with the Air Coolers until and unless the Coolers are so much cheaper or faulty. The big companies that are manufacturing these types of Air Coolers keep all these things in mind. In today’s world, with so much modern technology is not an issue for manufacturers to give their customers coolers with good fans that don’t make so much noise.

There could be some cases in which an Air Cooler can make a noise. In Air Coolers, the air becomes hot quickly when the CPU is working at its full extent. So the Air Cooler fan also goes to 100% speed to keep the temperature maintained. So, in this case, there might be a chance that the Air Cooler fan starts making some noise as it is rotating at its full extent.

Moreover, if we talk about the AIO Liquid Coolers, the water takes time to get hot, plus the Cooler is continuously dissipating the heat to its surroundings. So, the fans of the AIO Cooler do not rotate at their full speed. Until and unless the CPU is loaded with too much workload. So, there are much fewer chances for the fans to make a noise.

If not installed properly at its placed or not tightened properly, or if there is some fault in the fans of the Cooler, the fans will definitely make a noise.

Support And Capability

The next important point to discuss in our AIO vs Air Cooler guide is their support and capability in the PC cases. Most of the PC cases coming in the market support both types of Coolers. Even the latest budget PC cases also have the support of both AIO and Air Coolers.

But, some cases do not give proper support for Air Coolers, as it touches the other parts on the motherboard, mostly RAMS.

In some cases, with four RAM slots, you can only place two RAMS as the Air Cooler takes the space of the RAM. So, it is important to make sure that the fan of the Air Cooler doesn’t touch the RAM.

If you want to add the Air Cooler to your PC, make sure that there is a proper space for it in your PC case. Because in case it touches any other components on the motherboard, it can cause serious damage to your system.

But if you want to install the AIO Cooler, then compatibility is not a problem. Because nowadays, almost every PC comes with the support of big AIO Coolers. You just have to install the small pump unit on the motherboard; it does not even take up a large space.


When it comes to looks and aesthetics of coolers, it’s all about clean lines and sleek designs. These Coolers are designed to keep your PC looking its best, and they do a great job at it. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing an AIO or Air Cooler for your PC that we discussed earlier. But for some people, one of the most important things is to pick one that fits their style.

If you’re looking for a Cooler that will make your PC stand out from the rest, then AIO Coolers definitely have the upper hand over Air PC Coolers. You may choose a Cooler that exactly matches your requirement because they are available in a wide range of colors and designs. AIO Coolers can make any gaming rig look great.

AIO Cooler RGB – Image Credits [Tech4Gamers]
On the other hand, air PC Coolers are much more basic in terms of design. They’re usually just one color and don’t have as fancy RGB lighting as AIO Coolers. Plus, they are not as visible as the AIO Coolers are, and sometimes they cause the RGB lights on the RAMS to diminish.

However, some people prefer the simplicity of air PC Coolers. In the end, whether you prefer a fancy or minimally designed PC ultimately comes to personal preference.


We have discussed almost all the major differences in our comparison guide of AIO vs Air Cooler. So we can conclude that both the Coolers are best according to their usability. Some people will prefer one over another, maybe considering the weather in their area or maybe considering how much load they put on their PC.

When buying any of the two Coolers, there are many factors to consider. Some people will go for Air Coolers may be due to their budget or because it will fulfill their requirements efficiently. Some people will prefer AIOs because of their high cooling performance or because of the aesthetics it provides. 

In conclusion, it really depends on what you value most in a cooling system for your PC. If you want something that will give you the best cooling performance with a fancy setup, then you should go with an AIO Cooler.

However, if you are someone who wants good performance with durability, simplicity, and affordability, then an Air Cooler is the way to go. So, in the end, which one to buy is someone’s personal preference.


What are the possible causes of a leaking AIO Liquid Cooler?

AIO Liquid Cooler leaks could be caused by a number of different factors. One possibility is that the cooling block or radiator’s seals are broken.

Which is better, an AIO or an Air Cooler?

If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line cooling system for your gaming rig, you can’t go wrong with an AIO Liquid Cooler. Although Air Coolers are excellent for low-cost systems, they don’t have the same cooling power as an AIO Liquid Cooler.

Are AIO Coolers more expensive than Air Coolers?

Yes, AIO Coolers are more expensive than Air Coolers as they are bigger in size and have more components.

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